Next-Gen Concrete Pipe Design Software for Modern Engineers

Engineering Application
Greenfield Project
Industry Association

Technologies Used

  • Angular
  • .Net Core
  • SQL Server
  • Azure

Next-Gen Concrete Pipe Design Software for Modern Engineers

Genolis has collaborated with the Concrete Pipe Association Australasia to build a modern web application based on complex engineering formulas that will help CPAA members in steel-reinforced concrete pipes installation.

About The Client

The Concrete Pipe Association of Australasia represents the manufacturers of steel-reinforced concrete pipe, box culverts, and other associated products, in Australia and New Zealand. Founded in 1969, the Association represents excellence in design, manufacture, application, and technology in the industry.

The Challenge

CPAA approached Genolis to replace a deprecated desktop application for Windows with a modern portal with added formulas and new features. The web application needed to be easily accessed by the CPAA members from anywhere, on any device, including desktop, iPad and mobile and run on any operating system.

The Solution

As a result of tight collaboration between CPAA engineers and Genolis software development professionals, we’ve built a modern web-based application with multiple functionalities taking the engineering process to the next level. The app provides engineers with the ability to set multiple input parameters, such as a pipe’s use, type and expected loads, and then instantly determine the needed pipe class and generate detailed engineering documentation with design and installation specifications. The detailed report with graphs and calculations behind the selected design can be exported into a PDF file at a click of a button.

PIPECLASS 3.0 is avaliable for trail at:

Project Features

  • New formulas added
  • Modern user interface
  • Instant report generation
  • Cross device compatibility
  • New engineering design standards adopted
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